You’ve found my art blog...Hi.

You’ve found my art blog...Hi.
With so many zillions of blogs out there what are the chances, well I can’t compute that. But now you’re here do take a look...
Artist Roger Gregory drinking cold lager
Let’s start by taking a look at me, here I am making preparations for starting work. It’s important as an artist to allow the thought processes to flow and expand the imagination prior to creating art. Drinking a cold lager is just one of many tools an artist can use to aid in the facilitation of work. Many artists deliver an artists statement at this point (I have done so on other social platforms) but I will put one elsewhere, eventually, perhaps.

Well I suppose you want to see my work ,

“Revealing things about myself “ 2019 hand cut collage.

“Illogical construct of thought...but it’s ok with me.” 2019 hand cut collage.

I’ve been using collage for sometime now in ways to expand my drawings I quickly sketch down in my journals, it gives me an immediacy that develops my thoughts away from my black and white notes. 
